A fire sprinkler system is a type of automatic extinguishing system (AES) that prevents fire growth and spread by releasing water through a series of sprinkler heads connected to a distribution piping system. Water is released through the sprinkler heads once the surrounding air reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. This is an active protection method that can contribute to the safety of firefighters and those they work to protect. Although these systems provide protection, they are not present in every structure. Fire departments responded to an average of 51,000 structure fires per year from 2015-2019.1 Only 10% of those structures had fire sprinkler systems.1 Additionally, most structure fires and fire deaths occurred in homes, but only 7% of all home fires had sprinklers.
These extinguishers area unit utterly transportable and simple to use. Thus, during a important scenario, you'll straight off place them into action. Plus, these room sort hearth extinguishers use a clean agent because the conclusion agent. This ensures that no residues area unit left behind post-use and you'll stay hassle-free regarding an equivalent.
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